Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What's on your agenda?

Maybe I'm a broken record because I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this before, but it gets me hot under the collar every time.

Why does CNN splash this headline on their main page:

Case renews debate on vaccine-autism link

And conveniently neglect articles like this one, which I do not recall seeing last month:

Study Finds Vaccine Preservative is Not Linked to Risks of Autism
(I was lucky enough to find this article in the "What's new?" section of my pediatrician's office website.)

They've done this before: push the autism/immunizations fears on the public with misleading headlines and articles that are blatantly fear-mongering. The result? People panic and choose not to immunize their kids for no good reason! I mean, hey, if you have a GOOD reason not to immunize, it ain't my business. But if you're opting out because of the fear-mongering press, that ain't cool. It just ain't cool, folks, and the folks who sell fear to turn a profit are responsible.


  1. I can not say a big enough AMEN to this! It also bugs me to no end!

  2. There are so many issues that are troubling enough....without the confusion of what to believe in the media! Thanks for the link!
