Sunday, March 02, 2008

Feel Good Music

I was in about 9th grade when I realized how powerfully music affects me. I realized quite by accident that I felt very angry and impatient when I listened to rock music and very mellow and patient when I listened to classical or religious music. I am not sure if others are affected as deeply as I am, but music is a powerful force in my life.

Sometimes I use my music in good ways, to cheer me up and give me strength to keep going. But some days I rebel against that and want to just enjoy feeling a bit blue for a while. That's when I listen to "Circle" by Edie Brickell. It's unhealthy and pitiful, but don't you sometimes want to feel pitiful for a few minutes?

Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians

I quit. I give up. Nothing's good enough for anybody else, it seems. And bein' alone is the best way to be. When I'm by myself it's the best way to be. When I'm by myself, nobody else can say goodbye. Everything is temporary anyway.

When I'm done being pitiful, I grow up and listen to something that doesn't suck the life right out of me. The next three songs are the entirety of my iPod playlist titled, "Happy." At the risk of not only sounding cheesy but actually being cheesy, I'll admit these songs mean a great deal to me. I hope they put a smile on your face or a little smile in your heart.

Don't Give Up (You Are Loved)
Josh Groban

Don't give up: it's just the weight of the world. When your heart's heavy, I will lift it for you. ... Everybody wants to be understood. Well I can hear you. Everybody wants to be loved. Don't give up because you are loved. ... Everyone needs to be heard.

I Believe In You
Il Divo & Celine Dion

Follow your heart. Let your love lead through the darkness. There's nothing that you cannot do. I believe in you. ... Be yourself an angel of kindness.

You've Got a Friend in Me
Randy Newman

When the road looks rough ahead, and you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed, just remember what your old pal said: yeah, you've got a friend in me.


  1. I LOVE Josh Groban's song. He has the best voice. I used to listen to Edie Bricjell! Have you heard her song, "Ghost of a Dog"

  2. Yes! She has some hilarious songs! I think I should learn some of those to sing with acoustic guitar. ha ha...

  3. Thanks for the post. Josh Groban can take me out of a bad mood every time I listen to him.

  4. I agree! Nothing can bring the spirit into the room faster than music (for me any way)! Also, when I am in a bad mood or depressed...I just pop in a fun Broadway tune and play it really loud while I sing!!

  5. Pretty great playlist! Do you have the videos on your iPod, too?

    Cheers! You have a friend in me!

  6. Love all your music. I remember Edie Brickel from jr. high days. And I certainly love Josh Groban, who couldn't?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. (Edited repost :) ) I often feel very uplifted by the rock songs I listen to...try Incubus' "Love Hurts," "Dig," or "Oil and Water"
