Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March Madness :: American Idol Edition

I'm going to stop feeling apologetic about loving American Idol and get serious.

Time to make some wagers! Winner of the American Idol March Madness will receive:

(a) Bragging Rights, and
(b) An authentic digital certificate of achievement from the owner of this site. You'll need to provide an email address if you win.

The rules are as follows:

(a) Anybody can play! Whether you're a neighbor, a friend, family or somebody who randomly google'd "I *heart* David Archuleta" and ended up here. Anybody is welcome!

(b) You have to enter before next Tuesday's show (March 18th). If you enter before tomorrow's results, you'll get 5 bonus points for entering early.

(c) Post your prediction for:

1. Top 10
2. Top 8
3. Top 6
4. Top 4
5. Top 2
6. Ultimate Winner!

(d) Scoring is as follows:
* One point for each correct answer for round one (top 10)
* Two points for each correct answer for round two (top 8)
* Three points for each correct answer for round three (top 6)
* Five points for each correct answer for round four (top 4)
* Ten points for each correct answer for round five (top 2)
* 30 points for correctly predicting the next American Idol!

(e) I'm pretty flexible. Let's have fun!

Your choices are:

David Archuleta
Jason Castro
Christy Lee Cook
David Cook
David Hernandez
Michael Johns
Ramiele Malubay
Syesha Mercado
Amanda Overmyer
Carly Smithson
Brooke White

Good luck! I hope you play along!


  1. My official prediction:

    TOP TEN:
    Everybody except Ramiele and Kristy Lee Cook

    Everybody except Ramiele, Kristy Lee Cook, Chikezie and Amanda Overmyer (This is starting to get tricky)

    TOP SIX:
    Brooke, David A., David C., David H., Syesha, Michael. (America will be shocked and sad as Carly gets voted off. CNN will have their annual Would-Be-Expose of the voting practices of American Idol. People will be sort of sad, but not surprised as Jason goes.)

    Syesha and David Cook will be voted out, leaving David A., Michael, David H., and Brooke. (I'm starting to think my religious preferences are becoming overly optimistic. Brooke will probably be gone waaaay before this, whether I like her or not.)

    TOP TWO:
    David Archuleta and Michael Johns
    That would be my personal dream team for the final vote.

  2. If I watched I would totally vote. How fun and good luck everyone!!

  3. Top Ten: Everyone except Chikezie and Amanda Overmyer

    Top Eight: Everyone except Syesha, Michael Johns. Chikezie, and Amanda

    Top Six: Brooke, Carly, Kristy Lee, and the three Davids

    Top Four: Brooke, Carly, David Archuleta, David Cook

    Top Two: Brooke and David Archuleta

    Idol #7: David Archuleta

    Yes, I'm totally biased, too. I think Jason Castro could go all the way and blow my whole prediction thing! They're all so strong--it really depends on their song choices and how they evolve. I can't wait to see.

    PS--I found "Idol Elimination" brackets on the American Idol website--we couldv'e done this on there, if we'd started with the first 24. I'd rather start now, after I've seen them for a few weeks.

  4. TOP TEN:
    All except Ramiele Malubay and Kristy Lee Cook

    All except Amanda Overmyer and David Hernandez

    TOP SIX:
    Michael Johns, David Cook, Jason Castro, Carly Smithson, David Archuleta, and Brooke White

    Jason Castro, Carly Smithson, Brooke White, and David Archuleta

    Brooke White and David Archuleta

    David Archuleta

    (Now, who I would actually LIKE to win is a different story. Though I do like Brooke and David A. a lot, I like Jason Castro's voice and style--besides he's an Aggie. Gotta represent!) :P

  5. Top Ten:
    first to go are Kristy Lee Cook and Ramiele M.

    Top Eight:
    Next two to go will be Chikezie and Syesha.

    Top six:
    Then we will say goodbye to David H. and Amanda O.

    Top Four:
    Gone are Jason C and Carly S.

    Top two:
    David C and David A will be gone

    The final will be between Brooke and Michael and Michael will win.

    (I want David A to win of course, but he is a little too shy. Michael has the cute foriegn factor going for him, as well as a good voice. It would be great if Brooke won but I made my prediction after tonight's show and I will stick with it)

  6. Same Here If I watched this season I'd Vote too. I hear Davice A. is pretty good and a big fav though.

  7. I recognize some of the names, but I don't watch it enough:( Good luck everyone!

  8. Can you believe it!!!! I am already losing. Kristy should have gone!

  9. Me, too! None of us predicted saying goodbye to David H. this early. I was totally bummed out. :)

  10. My predictions change as the show progresses. But right now, my top 4 would be David A, Carly, Brooke and Michael Johns. I think that the last two standing will be David A and Carly. David A. has to show his stuff better than he did this week though. I loved it when he did "Imagine".
