Friday, March 14, 2008


Happy Pi Day!!!!

A few quirky Pi quotes to cheer up your celebration of the beloved 3.14...

Question: What is the volume of a cylinder with radius “z” and thickness “a”?
Answer: pi z z a

“If, in a circle, a line
Hits the center, and runs spine to spine,
And the lines length is D
The circumference will be
D times 3.14159.”

And since I'm talking about Pi, I'll admit something quirky about myself. I like to memorize Pi. I used to have more of it memorized but I have (mercifully?) forgotten a lot of it. My current digits stand at:


Don't ask questions. It is what it is. Happy Pi Day y'all! Happy circular celebrations!


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I read your title and got all excited thinking about french silk and banana cream ;-)

  2. We had grapefruit for breakfast--a great Pi day beginning. And we live next door to Marie Callender's....banana cream, here I come!

  3. I'm impressed with your memorization! All I know is that Pi=3.14 :) I just get sidetracked thinking about Pi's homophone :)

  4. Oh, it has been a long time since I celebrated pi day! I should remember that since I used to teach math...we need to have pie for dessert! Thanks for the reminder :)

  5. I hadn't realized what day it was. Thanks for reminding me. Since Luke and Braxton don't like pies, I'm not going to make one to celebrate.

  6. In my BYU class, one of my cloggers made a pie, and said "It's Pi Day!" I did NOT get it... I thought it was a Nat'l Holiday or something she was talking about. After some obvious explanations, I felt like an idiot...
