Friday, March 07, 2008

Jekkyl & Hyde

My kids are wondering where fun, giggly Mom went. And who is this beast of a meanie who has replaced her?

No fear. I'll be back soon. After tonight hopefully.

My voice teacher is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS). Each year, different regional groups of NATS hold a competition for their students. It's a way of giving their students exposure to different feedback and critique than they normally get. It's something to work toward and set a goal for.

I think just maybe I was crazy when my teacher asked me if I wanted to participate this year and I said (after a lot of hemming and hawing) "Umm yeah, sure. Why not?" I'm not expecting to win anything. Last place is totally fine with me. Well, maybe not last place, but I don't really want to make it to the finals, where I'd have to perform in front of an actual audience. That would be terrifying.

In the meantime, I get to stress about singing in front of two judges. Funny how I sometimes fantasize (like so many others) about what Randy, Paula and Simon would have to say if I sang in front of them. Seems so funny when you imagine Simon Cowell saying, "That. Was. Simply Dreadful. Did you even realize you're supposed to be singing?" Less funny when you've actually signed up to get real life criticism.

So send some good vibes my way. I just want to make it past tonight at 9:30 p.m. (when I do my sleepy performance) without having a heart attack. That's all I ask. It would be an especially nice bonus if I didn't throw up from anxiety while singing. Staying on pitch and breathing would just be icing on the cake. But I can't expect too much.


  1. That is really cool. Best of luck to you. I'm sure you will do awesome. Make sure and tell us how it went!

  2. GOOD LUCK! You'll do GREAT!

  3. You. Will. Nail it. Brilliantly. And if you don't, it'll make a great story to tell. Because you do tell stories really well.

    I'm trying to de-stress, too. I keep telling myself, You're a good person, you're trying your best.

    So I'm telling you: you're a great person, a wonderful mom (even today), your kids love you, and you're trying your best. You're trying a little harder than your best, even.

  4. Thanks, lisabella. I think I've hit my limits of stress. The smallest thing today is throwing me into a tailspin. I think I'm more likely to crash & burn, but just DOING IT instead of chickening out is a huge accomplishment for me.

  5. You're amazing! Your great talent will show through to all listening, I'm sure. And just think about the courage you're showing your kids - they're so lucky :)


  6. I'm too late to wish you luck! I'm sure you were GREAT!! What song did you sing? Can't wait to hear about it so don't leave us hangin'!!

  7. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I was there.
    Your Papa is proud: not surprised really (since it's clear you have talent), but definitely impressed with your full, rich voice.

    And you made it to the finals.
    You were afraid, but you did it.
