Friday, October 31, 2008

If Mr. Smith can do it ...

If Mr. Smith could go to Washington and wing it, why not Sarah Palin?
If "Dave" could go to Washington and wing it, why not Sarah Palin?

Oh yeah, I remember now. Those are movies.

I actually like Sarah Palin. I also love watching the parodies of her and I I love to wallow in the political comedy she inspires. And I'm also scared to death of the idea of her as Executive of the US of A. (I like my grandmother, but that doesn't mean I'd vote her into office either.)


It's Halloween again. Not my favorite holiday. Regardless, the kids are all hopped up on sugar and I'm reminded that any costume is made infinitely cuter when it is worn by own offspring.


Anxiety levels rising. Must exercise. Or sleep. Or fly to California. Or go on some highly potent prescription drugs. Or take a few deep breaths and chill.


I can't believe I'm even thinking of it with my wrist in this condition. Artistic insanity has gripped my brain and I just signed up for NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) participants pledge to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1st and November 30th. I decided that I'm not ready to write a traditional novel, so I'm taking a different approach. I'm taking my Mad Blogging Skillzz into the world of fiction and creating a Serialized, Interactive, Online Novel ("SION"???) written in first person (and hosted on blogger of course). I'm hoping I can catch a few suckers who start reading it and think it's a real person. Fun!

I'm excited and I'll be just as surprised as you if it ends up having a compelling plot. I have not outlined. I have not done character development. But tomorrow is November 1st and Elizabeth Mimi Forster ("Mimi") is about to come to life and I have a few ideas swirling in my head, along with the rising anxiety levels.


Happy Halloween, everyone! Bring on Thanksgiving and Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, J! I am excited that you are going to be involved in NANO, even if it is a version you have created. I have considered writing and posting too, but I am not sure I would want comments. Cool idea anyway! We just got in from T or Ting and now I am settling down to thinking about story ideas. Best of luck to us both!
