Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Movie "Magic"?

It's fun to play with Picasa! I took a few pictures of my yard this morning and decided to make it into a cheesy little slideshow movie, accompanied by my favorite song. It's a bit, errr, slow moving, but life should never be hurried. :) Enjoy!


  1. I can't believe all these pictures were taken in your yard. So pretty. I espically love the weeds ;)

  2. I'm glad to see such a classic song put to such good use. Thanks for opening my mind to a vision of things as I had not seen them. DSR.

  3. That was sweet! Nice work, Speilberg! If I did a movie of my yard it would have millions of leaves from my 60 yr-old locust tree and grass that has already turned to winter growth. LOL
