Thursday, October 02, 2008

12 Hours in Pictures

Yes, it happened again. We decided it wasn't fun just passing the virus around the family once. So Elijah threw up last night to give this illness another go. He looked so gosh darn cute and sick, I couldn't help snapping a photo of him paying homage to the toilet.

It's amazing what a difference a good night's sleep can make. He woke up with an enormous appetite and a huge grin.

Joseph wasn't quite as lucky. He's been in a fist fight with his virus and the virus is still winning. Check out that eye!

But he's chipper anyway. So we all went in the backyard to cheer up and spread a different kind of virus to the corners of the earth. Who can complain about dandelions when your kids are so happy blowing those seeds?

We've been laundering, dish washing, disinfecting and cleaning this morning, hoping that Mr. Vomit Germs will finally bid us adieu. I'm feelin' optimistic.


  1. Handsome boys! I am glad to see pictures of them. Now, if you have read my blog you will see that you have been tagged. Here, let's make it official...


  2. Sorry, thought I could post a button in the comment box...

  3. Hope you all stay feeling better!
