Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hillary Hair & Wheeee!

Top three most memorable moments after having carpal tunnel surgery:

1. I woke up the morning after and looked in the mirror. My hair apparently had an adverse reaction to the procedure, because it was very poofy in back. I brushed through it with my left hand and it turned into HILLARY HAIR!

My hair went straight UP and BACK. It was terrifying.

2. Asking your husband for help brushing your hair = very bad idea. Asking him to try to comb it back into a barrette would be highly amusing, if it weren't so nerve-wracking. "No! No! Comb it back not sideways. Now grab it HERE. Aaarrrgggghhhhh!!!" Honestly, dealing with my hair was the main reason I ended up in tears after my surgery. I chose the wrong time to try a short hairdo. My hair is growing until I do the left hand surgery. Pony tails all the way, baby!

3. I like Percocet. Really. This is really funny, but it's NOT FUNNY! I learned that I liked Percocet after my first c-section. I looked in the pills one day and only saw five left. I felt panicky all of a sudden and it hit me like a ton of bricks: I'd become dependent within only a few days. Yikes!! I had just been taking it every four hours like clockwork, and hadn't stopped to consider that I might not need it anymore.

So now I am really careful with the stuff. (This is the same stuff that other people break into pharmacies or old ladies' medicine cabinets to obtain. It's dangerous!) It's a good thing that I'm LDS and part of a religion that discourages drinking or drugs, because otherwise I'd apparently be a total addict... of some sort!

Percocet gives me the funkiest dreams. Every time I woke up while on it, I remembered the most vivid, detailed dreams. It was like going to sleep in a movie theater, where the show only starts after you close your eyes. (See previous blog post!) My brother-in-law, who is a pyschologist, tried to explain how it works and why people get addicted. It was interesting. I'm just glad that I had a few pills left to dispose of when I was done. It proves that I've learned my lesson! I hope.


  1. Having your hubby try and do your hair made me laugh out loud. I've seen Kirk try and do our girl's hair and it's pretty funny, so I can only imagine! Next surgery... buy a cute hat! :-)

  2. One of the most ginormous mistakes I ever made was when we were on a vacay back east and I asked my husband to just trim the back of my hair a half inch or so. I wish I could blame that choice on percocet, but it was all sober me. Anyway, I ended up having to get about 4 inches cut off to fix it. The power haircut that Hillary sports is meant to be very business-like I guess, but wouldn't it be cute to see her have to blow some long whispy bangs out of her eyes?

  3. I love percocet too. I love that floaty, relaxed, warm and fuzzy feeling...of course I only use it when absolutely necessary:)
