Thursday, July 24, 2008

29 :: Going, going, gone.....

I must be ready to be 30 years old:

* This week, somebody asked my Mom if I was her sister. My Mom beamed happily. I forced a smile and felt miserable. Her sister! Hmph!

* I was talking to some people and told them I'm turning 30 this week. They looked at me in shock and asked, "You're not 30 yet?!?!?" Yeah, thanks, you don't look a day past 75 either.

* I've been dressing like a 50-year-old since I was about 11. I've only recently added a few items to my wardrobe that don't make me look 20 years older than I really am. My Mom is shocked. "Juliana, that certainly is form fitting!" she'll say, scandalized. (Granted, a person of my generous size shouldn't wear clothing that is too form-fitting but wearing tents just gets really, really depressing.)

* I cut my hair short recently. It makes me feel like I've given in to the eventual Old-Lady hairdo. But I think it's a bit sassier than an old lady 'do, so I haven't given up yet. And I think I'm going to grow it out again because I can only handle short hair in small bursts. That was fun. Check. Done. Moving on. Let it grow.

I actually feel like I'm around 35 years old. I don't feel like I'm still in my 20s. 20s is kids stuff and I've really lived already. You know what I mean? I'm ready to move on and exclaim my 30+ status with pride.

Tomorrow morning, I'll wake up and it'll be official. The big 3-0.


  1. Yor b-day is today? Happy day! D's B-day is today also!

  2. Happy Birthday! I remember turning wasn't too long ago. I turn 32 in Sept. The only bad part was when I thought back at what I had hoped to have accomplished at that point in my life....but then I realized that everything in my life has shaped me to be who I am.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You do not look dress the like 50 year old woman!! You look fabulous and I love your haircut!

  4. Happy Birthday! Hey, the thirties are the best! Kids start getting more independent, you start to understand yourself, and life a bit more, and it's not too late to recommit to things you want to accomplish. In my 30s I had two more kids (and enjoyed pregnancy more), exercised much more (because I felt I deserved it), and seemed to gain more credibility with my younger friends and in my church (leadership opps, etc). Scary, but I am enjoying my 40s even more!

  5. Sorry--Kazzy on that last post. My son had been logged on. See? You don't get blogging kids until your 40s either. Life is good!

  6. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fun one! I agree... don't be afraid to bring on the 30's! I have enjoyed every minute of them!

  7. Happy Birthday! I didn't know we were so close in age, I thought you were much younger! No wonder we are so alike, we're like only a few days apart. So cool!! Hope you had a fun day

  8. Happy birthday! I think turning 29 was tougher for me than 30 - 29 was an end and 30 was a new beginning. I'm 35 now, and still feel 24 at heart. I'm on the downward slide toward 40, but it's not as depressing as I though it'd be. Hope you had a great birthday!
