Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Last, but not least, a Happy Birthday blog post to Mr. E. He may be Tommy's twin, but they're as different as can be. Easy going? See below.

Elijah is cram-packed full of personality. (See above.) He has an opinion on everything and he holds all of his opinions very strongly! He is never wishy-washy. That being said, he's as sweet as can be most of the time. He is my snuggler, who wants to just have Mommy hold him and cuddle him and be close to him. He gives great hugs and kisses and is oh-so-affectionate. My nickname for him is "Snuggles" because he's so snuggly.

Elijah is a "people" person. He might be shy at first, but just give him a minute. He adores playing with people until he wears them out. He wants to be in the middle of whatever is going on--while Tommy is off reading a book or taking apart the printer. (No joke: Tommy disassembled the cover to the printer while I was blogging about what a sweetheart he is. Grrr...)
Another funny tidbit regarding Elijah is that he has The Loudest Voice On The Planet. If you doubt my sincerity, just check out how I capitalized that: The Loudest Voice On The Planet. You can tell I'm serious. I'm pretty sure that he and Joseph have given me some hearing loss, since Joseph can always hear my cell phone ringing about 5-10 seconds before I can hear it. There's nothing like a child screaming three inches from your eardrum. Good times, good times.

We couldn't decide whether to name him Elijah or Eli. First it was Elijah and the nurse in the hospital wrote "Elijah" on the card next to his newborn crib thingee. Then we changed our minds and she changed it to say "Eli." Then I read the bible stories of Eli and decided he was a bit creepy, while the prophet Elijah was just awesome. So we decided we could always give him "Eli" as a nickname. As it turns out, we rarely use the nickname "Eli" and instead always refer to him as "Lijah" or just "Lije". I know it's weird but these things just happen.

Like his twin brother, Elijah has blue eyes. I haven't calculated the odds of both of my twins having blue eyes, but it must be pretty extreme since neither of his parents have blue eyes. (I like to tell people that the mailman has blue eyes.... but I don't even know who the mailman is in this neighborhood so that joke falls a bit flat.)

Elijah is a real delight, just like his two older (only slightly, in one case) brothers. He is so playful and loving. He is the most helpful boy I can imagine and by far the most obedient of my three children. Happy Birthday, 'lijah!

This concludes my three part series covering our Birthday Marathon Extravaganza. Hope you've enjoyed it. Kids are so darn cute.


  1. It's so fun to read about your kids. I love it. It's interesting to see how different they are from each other. Your Elijah and my Eli sound very similar...I know all about the loudest voice on planet Earth. Happy Birthday to both your fun boys!!

  2. Maybe the milkman? I mean, they're SO blonde when your hair is SO dark. Only kidding. They're both darling. Congratulations on making it through the terrible twos. Now on to the terrible threes.

  3. The twins are huge, but so is L. I can't believe all our boys are turning three. I can't believe yours can read. I can't even get L to say the alphabet. Congrats on being a winner mom!

  4. Thank you! I love your boys!

  5. What cuties. Wow what a crazy week for you. What a great mom you are!!
