Friday, February 01, 2008

Delusions of Crafteur

I'm not crafty.

Unless you mean in the sneaky way. Otherwise, only in my dreams. But for some reason, Valentine's Day brings out the would-be crafter in me. Last year I made some icky, ugly Valentine's Day cards and sent them to friends and family. Nobody laughed at me, which I greatly appreciated.

This year, I got inspired by Martha Stewart Living, which I'd picked up for some layout inspiration when I was doing my article. I found two crafts that looked perfect for me: easy peasy & cute.

Reminder to self: I'm not crafty. I forgot for a few minutes.

Anyway, here are the pictures of Martha's professional versions:

Exhibit A : Heart-Covered Wax Paper

Exhibit B : Felt Fortune Cookies

And here are how mine turned out. The great thing about a blog is that I can't hear you all laughing at me:

This is BEFORE Joseph crinkled it up and made it even more "textured."

This is the most generous shot I could get of the fortune cookies. The wire stuck out and wouldn't stay below the ribbon. But it would be very cool if I get the right kind of glue and whatnot. And even funner, Joseph and I made each other little valentines to go inside, made from little cut up hearts:


  1. Those are the cutest thing. I'm with you on the no crafty area! I have never scrapped booked, and I never will. At least you attept things. That's much more than I would ever do and I think you did a rather god job.

  2. Good work, Martha would be so proud! I really like the tissue paper with the hearts, I thought those were darling!

  3. Love the crafter in you and I've got to make those with my kiddo's too cute!

  4. wow ita a nice blog witha nice idea u have..This is the most generous shot I could get of the fortune cookies. The wire stuck out and wouldn't stay below the ribbon

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