Monday, February 04, 2008

Prophetic Names

I have this thing about names. It's just a personal thing. I want to name my kids after people who were really solid role models. So later in life, I can talk to my kids about how great their namesake is and how they should strive to be like them.

My oldest is Joseph Enoch. Both great Bible names.

My youngest (by one minute) is Elijah Benjamin. More solid Bible names.

Both Joseph and Elijah are prophet's names from the Bible. Joseph is also the name of a Latter-day prophet, Joseph Smith. So we're looking at some pretty solid footing here.

Then you get to my middle child (older than Elijah by one minute): Thomas. Yes, it is a Bible name, but not exactly one that is the MOST solid role model. He's known more frequently as "Doubting Thomas." Without going into the details and looking at both sides, I think we can agree that it's not quite as strong a role model as JOSEPH or ELIJAH. Right?

Until you consider his full name. Thomas Spencer.

Today, my son's name finally fits his brothers'. Thomas Spencer Monson was announced as the new president of the LDS church--recognized by LDS faithful worldwide as a prophet and seer. We didn't name our Tommy for Doubting Thomas. We named him for the man that we knew would be recognized as a prophet someday: little Tommy Monson.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a good idea. I think I missed the boat on this.
