Friday, January 23, 2009

Life is crazy

Such a crazy day today. The highlights:

* Yesterday evening, I was hit with sudden and acute pain in my abdominal area. I won't go into details because I'm not quite THAT open with my confessions, but we'll say that it had me doubled up in pain for a while. The pain eventually subsided and I was able to sleep peacefully. I thought this was just part of a recurring health issue I have (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but it was different. The pain was much more acute--almost debilitating--and I haven't been under any unusual stress like I am when IBS usually hits.

IBS usually only hits a few times a year and is gone within a couple hours. A warm bath is always a cure all. I was extremely disappointed to step out of bed this morning and double up in pain again. Dang! I was extremely irritated to have to ask my husband to work from home to care for his ailing wife. (When I think of an "ailing wife" I think of a gaunt, sickly woman with pale skin sitting in a rocking chair with a blanket on her lap. I'm afraid I don't fit the image, which is probably why I chose to use the word. It's my way of laughing at an otherwise unfunny situation.)

After taking my IBS medication and enjoying a warm bath, I told my husband to go to work because I felt fine. He refused and said he wanted to wait a while longer before leaving. Within about 30 minutes, the pain was back but less severe. To make this long story slightly less long than it could be, we'll summarize the rest: I went to my doctor and then in to the imaging clinic for a CT scan.

If you read this blog regularly, you'll know this is the second CT scan in a year. I am not happy. Drinking nasty tasting fluid, followed by having an IV stuck in my arm was not what I counted on today. (I was able to laugh a little at the sign that said, "Don't stare into the laser" that I encountered during my first CT scan.)

My expected result? A nurse will call me and say, "Nothing unusual with the tests we did. Have a nice day." And I'll feel fine the rest of the day and it'll all be a big hullabaloo about nothing. Bleh.

* In other news, my ward boundary change has prompted me to rediscover the joys of Facebook. In fact, I think I find myself becoming an addict. It's the most simple, lazy way in the world to socialize.... which it makes it perfect for me! Don't get me wrong--I adore socializing. I'm just kind of shy about calling people up to do stuff. I have insecurity issues about assuming others have "better" people to do stuff with. So Facebook makes it possible for me to connect and communicate with people without feeling like there's any obligation on their part to reciprocate. Yeah, I'm kind of messed up but at least I have my health. (Wait.. what?)

* Last night, I went through the list of Facebook "You Might Also Know..." suggestions and requested a bunch of new people to add to my friends list. I looked up a few neighbors that aren't in my ward anymore and requested them as well. I let it search my IM lists and this morning I checked out all the people who graduated from my high school my senior year. This was interesting. I saw all sorts of names that I couldn't attach to a face. I saw lots of faces that belonged to casual acquaintances who were never exactly friends. I sent messages to several of these to just say hi after all these years. Consider two of these:

1. A boy who had grown up about 10 doors down from me who was in my sunday school class since we were young. We had spent numerous hours together during classes, youth activities, and dances. We weren't really friends but we had spent considerable time together.

2. This is going to be embarrassing. Number two is the first boy I ever kissed! It was a G-rated one-night-stand, if you know what I mean. Our friends hooked us up, he made his move, we kissed and then we never really talked to each other again. (I was grounded the next day, which was probably all for the best.) I was 15 years old when it happened, and then we spent all of our high school years passing each other in the halls without even acknowledging each other.

Today, I couldn't help myself. I sent him a two-line note saying that I recognized his name and wondered if he remembered me? I assumed he would not. That was half my lifetime ago!

I also sent a two-line note to my former neighbor. Can you guess which one of them replied saying he couldn't recall who I was... and which one of them replied with a warm greeting and recollection of past memories? #1 had forgotten me. #2 remembered me perfectly (somewhat to my chagrin, I admit!)

Life is always surprising. I woke up this morning expecting to feed the kids breakfast, clean the kitchen, exercise, take the twins to preschool, have my voice lesson, pick the kids up and maybe catch a quick nap before Joseph got home. Instead, I woke up in pain, ended up having a CT scan done before lunchtime and reconnected with my first kiss, who I hadn't talked to in 15 years! (My kissing must be extremely memorable ... Just kidding!)

Life is crazy and bizarre sometimes. Isn't that wonderful?


  1. oooo I hope you are feeling better. And as far as the forgotten kisser... maybe he was a 15 yr-old player! I have some embarrassing memories that I am sure mean nothing to the others involved! Hope your day tomorrow is more predictable and planned! Take care.

  2. Wonder how I missed running into you at the hospital abdominal imaging area on Friday morning? We could have been like two old ladies comparing symptoms. (In case that wasn't clear, I'm definitely not pregnant.)
