Thursday, January 01, 2009

All Natural!

Pizza Hut is offering a "Natural Pizza" with "all-natural pepperoni" and "all-natural mozzeralla cheese" and "all-natural sauce from vine-riped tomatoes."

I understand the concept of this. I get it. But my sarcastic side MUST ask: what are your other pizzas made out of? Synthetic plastic? Some compounds created in laboraties? I mean, what is NON-natural tomato sauce? Or non-natural mozzarela cheese? Ugh. I don't want to know.

All I know is that this advertising campaign is a definite FAIL because it made me wary of their other products, rather than tempting me to try the new one.


  1. All natural pepperoni? What the heck is that? I'm with you on this one. I think the ad person should have run this idea past a few more people.

  2. Everything is All-Natural if you look at it in the right light. Plastic is all natural if you see that atoms and molecules are natural.

    Don't forget those frosted-coated-suger-bombs are made with whole grains, so it's okay to let your kids eat them.
