Saturday, August 30, 2008

No, of course I am not laughing as I type this.

Somebody asked if I laugh while I blog. NO! I am completely and utterly serious. All of the time. Why would I laugh about my own seal of approval?!?

... Actually... of course I laugh! My blog posts should nearly all be read with a very healthy amount of laughter and lightheartedness. My own seal of approval cracks me up because it's just so.. so.. SO useless. And to invest all that time making a really bad-quality graphic in Photoshop just so I can extol the merits of Tostitos Multigrain Chips? Awesome. Or geeky. Or both. You decide.

In other news, my hand/wrist has really been killing me so I've got to lay off the blogging for a while. Typing really aggravates my Undiagnosable Whatever That May or May Not be Linked to My Carpal Tunnel Release. (Tendonitis if you ask me, but I'm no MD.) So ... no long, rambly pseudo-introspective posts for a while. Maybe a few more seals of approval since they are heavy on sarcasm but light on typing. Bear with me. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think your seal is high quality in the graphics department! I am glad you are able to roll with things. What an important quality!
