Friday, August 15, 2008

Globally Aware

I've been thinking lately about what it means to be globally aware and globally responsible. Are humans born with an innate responsibility to work together to keep this place spinnin' peacefully? I think maybe so. Especially those born into wealthy, advanced countries like the United States. What responsibilities do we, as humans, shoulder?

This is my preliminary list of thoughts. Please share yours.

1. We share a responsibility to care for this planet. We can do this by promoting technologies and methods that do as little damage as possible to good old Mother Nature.

2. We share a responsibility to use our resources in moderation so that there is enough to go around. Yes, this means trying to be wise with your money, time, and other resources so that you're in a position to help others when they need help. If you always burn through everything you have, you're more likely to end up a drain on society and that just ain't cool. What is cool is when somebody has learned to live in moderation for their circumstances and then has a little left over to share with somebody else who is in need (even if it's that person who is draining society by burning through things at a highly irresponsible speed.) Living in moderation is scalable--the more you have to start with, the more decadent you can be and still have some to share. I'm not promoting communism, folks.

3. We share a responsibility to care for the plants and animals that can't defend themselves. I have a novel idea: how about we don't wipe out rain forests and wetlands and habitats and species that are obscure to us. True, I'd be happier if each and every spider in creation were instantly and absolutely wiped out of existence. I'll admit with a childish glee that the very thought makes me grin. But... sigh... that would not be globally responsible... even if I did have the power to make it happen. I'll also admit that I'm not prepared to become a Vegan and put my cuisine where my ideals are. Even high ideals should be served up in moderation. :)

4. We have a responsibility to choose communication, mediation and compromise before choosing violence and war. My position on the Iraq invasion is clear. 'Nuf said.

So this is my preliminary list of human responsibilities. What do you think? Do we share a responsibility to be globally conscious? Or is it every man for himself in a crazy world like this? What other items would you add to the list? I'm curious!

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