Thursday, August 21, 2008


At risk of giving my blog bipolar disorder ...


I cannot believe I survived to witness this day. My oldest child is in school full day and my twins are in preschool three days a week. Do you have any idea what that means?!!? SEVEN hours a week to clean, cook, blog, write, think, exercise and shower without a single child under foot. Euphoria doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. Yes, I love my kids. They are adorable. But they're happier when they're learning and I'm happier when I don't have to be on stage 24/7.

I think I'm going to go throw myself a party in the other room. I'm going to invite the laundry, dishes and my iPod. It may not sound like the party of a lifetime to you, but I couldn't be happier.


  1. I want to come to the aprty! I am so jealous! How fun.

  2. It is a gift from above when the school year starts! Imagine if we didn't love our kids as much as we do!

  3. Too funny. Not too long ago my sister took my kids down to FL for a week at the beach. The night before they left my son looked at me confused....what are you going to do without us? he asked. Well, cook, clean, catch up on laundry, sleep I said.....he rolled his eyes..that's not fun. Then I told him that it was fun to me because then there would be no one to mess up what I cleaned up...HEAVEN
