Thursday, June 19, 2008

World's Biggest Baby Shower

You're Invited!
I love throwing a party. If you know me well, you probably already know this. I love any excuse to celebrate... graduations, engagements, bridal showers, baby showers.... So when I heard about the opportunity to throw a community baby shower for Newborns in Need, I jumped at the chance. NIN (not the band...) is throwing "The Largest Baby Shower on the Planet" in August, with people all over the country hosting individual events for local charities.

Our baby shower will be collecting items for United Way of Utah County, who will then distribute the items as needed to local agencies such as the Pregnancy Resource Center in Orem, Kids on the Move, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at UVRMC, etc.

I'm trying to decide between August 2nd, August 23rd (the Saturday after school starts) and August 30th for the event. What works for you? Leave me a comment and let me know!

We'll have some wonderful prizes and lots of fun! And stay tuned for more information as the event becomes more organized! If you'd like to help, let me know!

If you have any suggestions, ideas or questions, email jhmont (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks to everyone who has been so enthusiastic so far!


  1. Can't wait to take part! Thanks for organizing it! My only question... do we wrap the presents??

  2. sounds so fun. I think the 23rd of Aug. would work best, but that's just my humble opinion.

  3. Let me know when you're doing this! I'd love to help... especially since 2 of my kiddos were in the NICU at UVRMC! Love this idea!

  4. I can't on the 23rd, but I think it is a great idea!
