Thursday, June 26, 2008

General Arm-nesthesia

There is one super exciting aspect of having carpal tunnel surgery under general anesthesia: I get to have a nap tomorrow! Woot woot!

I'm trying to see the silver lining. I suppose I'll be happy to have full use of my right hand again... in six weeks. In the next several weeks, I'm told, I will hardly be able to use it at all. This reminds me of cleaning out closets. Things usually get much, much worse before they start getting better.

On the negative side, I'm going to be a one-armed stay-at-home Mom for several weeks. Uhhh.... yeah, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm hoping for a miracle or two... dozen. If only the twins were potty-trained.... if only Joseph wanted to do all the cooking and cleaning... On second thought, it's good that he doesn't insist on doing all the cooking and cleaning because then I'd really be in trouble. If only I had a live-in nanny. And cook. And gardener. And housekeeper.

Send some prayers, positive vibes and happy energy my way tomorrow as I take a brief nap and wake up with my arm sliced and diced. I'm going to try to write some blog entries tonight to schedule for publishing during the next week or two. If I don't accomplish that, then: Don't cry for me, Argentina (pronounced: blogosphere). The truth is I never left you.... I'll be back soon.

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