Sunday, October 07, 2007

General (Conference) Ramblings #2: In the Know?

This is part 2 of 3 General (Conference) Ramblings. Feel free to read part one below if you haven't already done so.

In The Know?
Another speaker, the president of our church’s women’s organization (the Relief Society) spoke about good mothers and the impact they can have on society. While she was speaking, I was mentally making a checklist of all those good things that weren’t getting done in my home.

While listening to her words, I was cleaning up the kitchen and dining room, which had reached new heights (or depths?) of filth. She said, “Mothers who know keep their homes orderly and clean” or something to that effect.

I walked over to the staircase and yelled up to my husband, “This lady is CRAZY!!!” When she was done talking, I burst into tears and decided that there would be several new Prozac prescriptions filled by LDS mothers in the coming weeks. Perhaps mine will be one of them. No, but seriously, folks.


  1. I had the same reaction. I cried and wanted to crawl in bed thinking about how I am not quite there

  2. I'm going to have to go back and read that one, because I really felt kind of weird about some of the things she said.

    I really wondered about the concept of "the only good mother is a stay-at-home mother". I think that is exclusionary of those who choose to not be stay-at-home for whatever reason. Am I a heretic? That is why I have to read it, and figure out what is going on - and if she really said it that way.

    I also wonder about the "mothers who know" idea. We aren't in a perfect world, and it seemed that she was describing perfection. It is good to have perfection as a goal - but to say that there exists mothers who are "mothers who know" seems to be implausible. Maybe in many senses... but in all senses? Are there mothers who fit all of her descriptions? And are those mothers really sane??? he he. Just thinking aloud.

    There are too many voices saying "if you aren't perfect, you aren't worth it" and to hear any hint of that from General Conference is kind of scary. Maybe I just heard it that way - but if I did, is that strictly my fault?

    Must... read... talk... before...
    being zapped by lightning.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt like a dirtbag after this talk!

    -aka cellophane
