Saturday, August 08, 2009

Conversation with a 4-yr-old

Thomas: "I peed and pooped in my Pull-Up this morning."

Mom: "I know. You got grounded from the Wii because you didn't use the toilet when you were supposed to."

Silence while Thomas stares at Mom.

Mom: "What are you thinking about Thomas?"

More silence and staring.

Mom: "Are you sizing up your Mom and thinking about how you'll show her exactly who is in charge by not finishing potty training until you've decided you're good and ready?"

Thomas (without hesitation): "Yep. That's what I'm thinking about."

I'm sure this will be funny to me someday. In the meantime, you can all laugh on my behalf 'cause it ain't funny yet.


  1. LOL Yeah, one of my boys would always tell me when he had just gone in his diaper. Man, when they can explain it they should be able to control it.

  2. hehehe my little man is almost 3....we are working on this too :)
