Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Late Night Stuff

* I went to the Valpak office today to pick up some of the gift certificates they sell on the cheap. If you don't already know about this, I refuse to give you the details. The more competition, the less likely they'll have what I need. (Okay, fine, it's in an office complex at the intersection of 1600 South and State Street in Orem. Southeast corner. Upper floor.) I went to see if they had any more of the gift certificates for Boardgame Revolution. (Half price off retail... not bad.) I looked at the list of available merchants and didn't see them listed any more. I was bummed but thought I would ask just in case. 

There was a rather long-winded gentlemen talking the ear off the saleslady so I stood on the side and waited for a break in the conversation. The guy eventually turned to me and asked good-naturedly, "I'm sorry. Did you have a question for her?" I stated my business and was surprised by the hearty laugh they both gave me in reply. The gentlemen then pushed two gift certificates ($40 worth) toward me and asked, "Did you need two?" I said, "Yes, exactly." They laughed again and explained they were all out but that he had just returned those two in exchange for something else. Perfect timing! They wouldn't have available five minutes earlier. I was feeling lucky.

The gentlemen then turned to me and said heartily, "You sure were following your promptings today. It's great that you were listening to the Spirit." I was dumbfounded. Do I have "Mormon Mother" posted on my forehead in addition to my blog title? Or did this guy forget that a huge chunk of the world population isn't LDS? Or did he just not care? For some reason, I was really turned off by the fact that he would say that to a total stranger. I thought it would have been particularly offensive to somebody with different religious leanings. But I was very happy (and perhaps I was following some promptings?) that things turned out so well.

* I headed to Boardgame Revolution... for the second this week, I think. The owner smiles when he sees me and knows just what I like. We joke easily with each other and he treats me well as a customer. I went there to buy "10 Days in Europe" as a fun way to teach my kids geography but there was a little devil sitting on my shoulder whispering one word: "Agricola!" I tried to shush it. It was in vain. Agricola is the latest, greatest, HOTTEST thing in board games. Settlers of Catan is soooo three years ago. I keep hearing about this game, so I checked it out on www.boardgamegeek.com and discovered that on their ranking scale, Agricola has captured the #1 spot from former long-time champ, Puerto Rico, which I must admit is hugely fun to play.

Only one problem with Agricola. It retails for ... brace yourselves ... SEVENTY DOLLARS! That's: $70! Holy Smokes! Boardgame Revolution normally sells it for $50, which is a steal, but I used my Valpak coupons and got it for $35. Pretty sweet deal. Since the game is now out of print for 2008 and won't be available until the 2009 reprint, I could probably make a little profit on this game. Nah. It looks SO fun! I can't wait to unwrap it on Christmas morning, ooh and ahh, and find a few people to play with. Woot!

* Joseph's expectations of Santa are evermorphing. As I've said before, we never encouraged the Santa idea when Joseph was young. We eventually just told him that Mom and Dad were Santa but it was fun to pretend. Last year he told me, "Mom, I know you say there isn't a Santa but I know that's not true. I know Santa is real." What does a Mom say to that? Nothing. I just nodded and walked away, laughing. 

This year, I took the kids to see Santa at a local store and asked Joseph if he wanted to go meet Santa. He looked at me, shocked, and said, "Mom, that's not the real Santa. That's just some guy dressed up, pretending to be him. Don't you know about STRANGER DANGER, MOM?!?" Again, the kid had me stumped. And highly amused.

A few days later, Joseph told me he doesn't believe in Santa anymore. I said okay. Then he wrote a letter to Santa and I asked why if he doesn't believe he's real. He said, "Well, I only sort of don't believe in Santa. I halfway do and I halfway don't." I love that kid.

* After writing my Fiscal Rant a few days ago, my husband reminded me of a few key elements of my budgeting style that I had forgotten about. The bottom line was that we have more money going into savings that I remembered and I don't need to panic. He reminded me how lucky he was to be married to somebody who is so fiscally conservative and after I thought about, I realized he's right. ;)

* Have you checked out the mortgage rates lately? They're hot, baby. Hot! Is refinancing twice in 12 months too often? I'm tempted.

* I like my kiddos. Someday, I'll be surrounded by three strong adult men and I'll know they were once the little babies I held in my arms. For now, they're just the sweetest little cuties I could imagine.*

* I love people. I find that when I'm alone, I become very introspective and philosphical. While that leads to fascinating trains of thought, it also sometimes tends toward brooding over less-than-happy thoughts or overanalyzing things that ought to be forgotten. When I start feeling blue, all it takes is for 20 seconds talking to a grocery clerk or waving at a friend driving by to put a smile back on my face. People are great!

* I was feeling bummed about my singing again this week. I was ready to just throw in the towel and refuse to sing anywhere ever. Then I went to my voice lesson tonight and realized I'm not nearly as bad as I thought I was. The person waiting for her lesson to begin after me even complimented me on my strong, clear voice. That cheered me up immensely.

* I ordered Christmas cards so early this year. I was totally on top of things. Why are they still sitting in a pile on my desk? Dang! I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow: delivering Christmas cards!

* It's almost midnight and I am not a night person. Therefore, I don't want to go back to spell check or grammar check or "does this even make sense" check or "Have I said more than I ought to?" check this blog entry. 

* Happy Holidays all. May they be filled with joy and/or peace.

* Some limitations or exceptions may apply, including but not limited to: when they make rude body noises, say "No" in disrespectful tones, pee on the floor, refuse to go to bed at bedtime, get sticky fingerprints all over my iPod, laptop or cell phone or when they stand on the arms of the couch.


  1. Great post! I am learning more and more about you. :) Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Agricola? yeah, that is pretty sweet. I played it earlier this year. I totally lost, but hey, at least I had a stone house with plenty of room!

  3. You make me laugh so hard! Merry Christmas!

    Thanks for the Christmas card!
