Monday, December 15, 2008

Cabinet Position & Other Stuff

I decided yesterday that President-elect Obama's cabinet will not be complete until he considers a new position: Secretary of Awesomeness. I officially nominate my brother, Mike, to fill the position. He would fill the role admirably. How about it, Barack?

Last week was a fabulous week: 

* Our kids were actually well-behaved through the ward's Christmas Luau and we were able to stay for the entire thing. 

* I had over some high school friends and their spouses for a dinner party. I made three cakes and one main dish. I think that speaks loads about my personality. More importantly, I received a stuffed Intel man during the White Elephant gift exchange so I ended the evening happy. 

* We had Ward Choir at our house on Sunday, which is always a treat. I love hearing my home filled with music and my piano being played by somebody who actually knows how to play piano.

* Sunday evening, my extended family debated whether to watch "A Muppet Christmas Carol" or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir/Sissel Christmas DVD. I'm proud to say that the Muppets only began after listening to several tranquilly blissful minutes of Sissel.

* My friend, Kazzy, invited me be a guest on her blog's "Musical Mondays" feature. I drove down to Kazzy's house and we recorded a duet of "In The Bleak Midwinter." (Listen here. Stay a while and listen to her other songs--she's fabulous. And she's an awesome writer, so settle in and enjoy!) I was appalled at how poorly I sang (off pitch, breathy, weak, timing off) but I had a blast and now I want to do it again to see how much I can improve. I have a new challenge.

* My husband and I sang a duet at a Christmas Parade of Homes thing, as part of a recital set up by my awesome voice teacher. I surprised myself at how well I sang (other than one itty bitty little mistake of not coming in when I needed to.. oops!) and how I'm not nearly as nervous performing as I used to be. I actually am learning to enjoy it. I enjoy the challenge, the preparation and the confidence it gives me when I succeed. Mostly, though, I just love singing.

* The book I had on hold at the library finally came in, so I've been up to my eyeballs in part two (and part three) of the Amelia Peabody series. Number two was the first one I ever read and I haven't read it in years, so it was a real treat!

* I found the online printing service from the local grocery store and printed Christmas cards and a bunch of pictures from 2008. It reminded me what a great year it's been: a trip to Cedar City during the summer, a trip to Zion National Park, Cedar Breaks and Kolob Canyons this autumn, a trip or two to Logan, my trip out to watch the American Idol finale, my trip out to the Benefit Screening of Wall-E at Pixar, fun leaf collecting with the kids, and lots of cute little boy smiles.

* We started receiving Christmas cards from loved ones, which is always a real treat. I am in the middle of reading my dad's annual Christmas letter, which is always fodder for many laughs. He included a poem he wrote, titled, " Christmas Bailout," which includes such witticisms as:
The mortgages are failing fast on sub-prime North Pole land;
The elf economy can't last; supply of sugar plums exceeds demand.
You can see why I always look forward to my Dad's holiday letter! (Click here for another example of his poetry, one created for the occasion of my 30th birthday. Hooray!)

It was a great week. It's been a great year. Which reminds me: it's about time to watch It's a Wonderful Life, isn't it?


  1. Your kids were good probably because mine were all over the place. That is how it works, for me and Aly at least. If one has a clean house the other's is bound to be a mess! Glad you had a good week.

  2. Wow, you DID have a great week! It was fun to record on Saturday, and thanks for the shout out.

    I was just mentioning It's a Wonderful Life to my Husband the other day too. Love that movie, even though I always cry so much that I end up with a headache.
