Friday, November 07, 2008


What inspires me to write? Who knows. But this inspires me to take a deep breath and remember how beautiful life can be, and remembering that inspires me to want to write:

I sing this song almost every day. It was just a couple weeks ago that I really thought about the lyrics and how deeply moving they are. I couldn't sing because I couldn't stop crying. What a beautiful song.


  1. You sing this song everyday? Cool! I do get things stuck in my head that I song over and over and hum and think about, etc. Lately it is Megan Mullally's version of Tom Waits' TAKE IT WITH ME. BTW, I have a Christmas blog idea... I will talk to you about it later. :)

  2. Have you ever read the poem by T.S. Eliot that this was based on. I LOVE the poem. I will send it to you.

  3. I have this little habit I've gotten into. I have my voice teacher's warm ups on a playlist on my iPod, so I sing through all my warm up exercises while I clean the kitchen. (Hi, Amber, if you read this... I think about you every day SOO apologetically when I'm singing. Seriously, I do. It must not be super fun to live below me!)

    Then I go to my "divas" playlist, which is just a list of songs I can sing along to. It has a lot of musical theater, some oldies, quite a number of Celine Dion songs, a couple Whitney Houston songs and several opera arias. (I CANNOT sing when I am sitting at the piano trying to plunk out the notes; the posture is wrong, and I can't focus on the singing.) So "Memory" is the first song on the divas playlist and I just love it so I always sing that one right after I'm done with the warm ups. My other favorite is "On My Own" which has a very similar theme.

  4. I love singing with my ipod on and clean as I go. I love that song too!

  5. I love that song. I think good music can inspire writing. If I listen to a good song I just have an urge to write!

  6. Aww, I used to sing that song all the time with my voice coach...that brings back memories ;)

    I also sing "On My Own" quite a bit, too! You should look at the musical "Ragtime"--there are many beautiful songs from that (e.g. "Back to Before," "Our Children," "Sarah Brown Eyes," and "Goodbye, My Love."
