Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Time OUT.

When your husband is working late... and the children are throwing FURNITURE down the stairwell... and laughing about it... and you are trying desperately just to put ONE load of laundry in the washing machine so you can have clean underwear tomorrow... and you have a cold... and the condescending guy at the Little Caesars wouldn't honor your simple request to have the freshest pizza because you live ten minutes away and instead smiles and says, "This one will be just fine, ma'am"... and of course the pizza is cold and disgusting by the time you get home ... and you wonder if the customer is always right or not? ... and you're living through this **bleep** while you were supposed to be enjoying your ONE evening a month out with adult conversation and good friends ...

Then you know it's time to take a deep breath and count to 10. 10 times. Then 10 more times. Then a few more deep breaths. And then hit the blog.


  1. I love it! Vent Vent Vent Away. That is what a blog is for.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tonight deserves a night out all by itself. Bummer you had to miss your girls night, those are what keep us sane!

  4. Yea! Josh got home so I still caught most of my Book Club. I'm feeling refreshed and I actually shared a chuckle about seeing an ottoman flying down the staircase toward the window.

  5. I'm so glad you got to come to at least some of book club last night!
