Friday, January 04, 2008

More Festivities :: Green With Envy?

If you were green with envy over our hot Christmas plans, just wait until you hear about New Year's.

All the things we were hoping to do fizzled into silence, so we ended up at home, tucking the kids into bed at 8 p.m. as usual. (Okay, I admit: we let them stay up until 8:30. Whoop-dee-doo!) Then Josh and I played board games with my Mom until 10:15. Suffice to say, we were sound asleep by the time our neighbors decided to start shooting off fireworks.

Have you ever noticed that fireworks are less fun if you're trying to sleep through them? Here's how we rang in the New Year:

11:45 :: Asleep
Midnight :: Awakened by slightly annoying sounds of horns and noise makers
12:05 :: Back to sleep
12:07 :: Awakened by screaming child who is dead tired and does not appreciate the noise makers, horns and screaming
12:muchlater :: After forcing ourselves awake, tending to screaming child, losing yet a little more hearing, listening to more crying, etc. etc. we are finally able to get back to sleep
~30 minutes later :: Did somebody think Midnight came at 1:30 a.m.? Seriously folks, the fireworks were understandable at 12:01. Even 12:05. Even forgivable at 12:30. But there should be a limit on how late people can keep neighbors awake with fireworks. Since I know several neighbors read this blog, I dare not elaborate on the things I wanted to scream out the window as my sleep-deprived children and I tried to sleep through ANOTHER round of noise.

*sigh* I am getting to be such an old loser. Gone are the days (365 days ago?) when I was the one making noise and partaying. Someone teach me how to have a life again. Please?

~ ~ ~

Speaking of Festive Festivities, I feel it my duty to blog about the most unusual Christmas present my husband ever gave me. This was the pre-kids stage when we actually had time to remember we were married. One might suspect a fun Christmas present. Something impractical that Juliana's tightwaddery would never allow her to buy during the year. Maybe even a gift slightly romantic...?

Imagine my surprise when I opened up a package of ~10,000 staples. Huh. Staples! And thousands of them! I couldn't remember the last time I had stapled something, but I loved the gift! It was completely unexpected which is certainly worth big points. And memorable. So many Christmas gifts are entirely forgettable. But ain't nobody gonna forget 10,000 staples.

Fast forward to 2008. I had been searching all over the house for a stapler. Yeah, you'd think we'd have a nice stapler to go WITH all those staples. I found a cheap plastic 99 cent one that was broken. I could have sworn we had a nice one. Somewhere. (The trouble with a filthy house is that it's not always easy to find things like staplers, car keys or young children.)

So I went shopping yesterday for a new stapler. They had the same 99 cent cheap-os that I had tried before. Since that hadn't worked out, I decided an upgrade was advisable. They had some stapler combos for about $4 and some professional-grade staplers for about $10. The $4 stapler looked fine for what I need, but there was one major drawback. It came bundled with a staple remover and.... staples. Nooooo! No more staples! I actually stood there, staring at the $10 stapler for a long time, thinking it was worth the extra money NOT to have the staples bundled with it. But in the end, my tightwaddery won out and I am the proud owner of even more staples than I had before.

If you ever need staples, drop by and let me know. I'm here for you.


  1. Why 10,000 staples? Did he find a good deal somewhere? And what did he say about giving you the staples? Was there just an awkward silence? What did you say? So many unanswered questions. I want the rest of the story.

  2. So is there a story behind the staples? if so do tell!! And I'm with ya on the firework past 1am. We should have synchronized our screaming out of our windows and they would have gotten the clue!

  3. Hated the fireworks in the middle of the night. And don't even get me started on the Bling-Bling boys and their parties. I've become such an old woman. :)
