Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Once a Googlephile ...

... always a Googlephile.

Have you tried Chrome yet? It's Google's new web browser, butting up against the behemoth that is Internet Explorer. After giving it a test run for an hour or so, all I can say is that it's streamlined and speedy! I have that same feeling that I get whenever I buy a new computer, install new RAM or get a better internet connection. By which I mean: it's noticeably faster for me personally.

It was released several hours ago, so why haven't you jumped on the bandwagon yet? 

You're probably saying to yourself: she was right about iGoogle. She was right about Google Reader. Google Analytics? That just plain rocks. And I wish I'd heeded her warnings about cuil. So where do I sign up? You can download by clicking below:

If you need further convincing, you can read the nerdiest comic book that I have ever seen:


  1. So far I like it, but I'm going to keep it on trial for a while. I've always liked the way Google has been about getting things out to the people for free, android, the opening of the new cell phone bandwidth and battling Microsoft is always a good thing for everyone.

  2. You really ARE a googlephile, huh? Can I ask if you are a Mac or PC person?
