Saturday, September 27, 2008

A 1:00 a.m. Quiz For You!

I just finished scrubbing my bathroom floor. It is now 1:24 a.m. as I write this. Why, oh why, was I scrubbing the floor during the wee hours? I'll give you a multiple choice question and see how many of you can guess right! A cyberpat on the back to each of you who guesses correctly.

Question #1: Why was Juliana scrubbing the bathroom floor at one a.m.?

(a) She just loves housecleaning THAT gosh darn much!
(b) The floor just really needed it, and she just couldn't put it off any longer.
(c) She always does her best house cleaning at night. What is this "sleep" thing you speak of?
(d) To deal with the results from the following conversation (see below) :

Joseph: My tummy hurts.
Mom: Elijah's tummy was hurting this evening and he threw up. Please go to the bathroom instead of vomiting in my bed.
Joseph (a few minutes later): I sat there by the toilet and just couldn't throw up!
Mom: Umm go get a bowl to throw up in, just in case, then go back to bed. Please. I'm tired.
Joseph: I've gotta go potty.
Mom: *grumble grumble grumble*
Joseph (a few minutes later, reappearing and clutching his stomach): *GRRRRROOOOOOAAAANNNN*
Mom: PLEASE go get a bowl to throw up in so you don't ...
Joseph: *Cough cough*
Mom: No! You're coughing! Coughing precedes vomiting!! Get to the ....
Joseph (running into the bathroom): *puke*
Mom: Auuugghh! Not right THERE. Go to the toilet! Stop wasting time with the light switch! Go. To. The. Toilet.
Joseph (running toward the toilet, but not there yet): *puke puke puke puke puke*
Mom: THE TOILET!!!!!
Joseph (getting closer, almost there): *puuuuuuuuke* I think a little bit of it went in the toilet.
Mom: *sigh*

Question #2: Why in the world is Juliana blogging about this now instead of sleeping?

This one, I'll just give you the answer. You've uncovered my cruel secret. I awake easily and thoroughly. Once I'm awake, I'm wide awake. Some have the gift of falling asleep in an instant. I have the ability (some of the time, when I'd rather be sleeping) to wake up instantly. This ability fails me at times like 5:45 a.m. when I ought to get up and exercise instead of lounge in bed.

Also, a secondary reason for blogging about it now instead of sleeping was that I saw a certain humor in the situation and couldn't resist typing it all up while it was fresh on my mind. I'm awake anyway. Why not?

(By the way, if you guessed (b) on question #1 above, there is a lot of merit to choosing that answer, but it's not the right one.)


  1. I remember those days when my kids were smaller and would rather stand beside MY side of the bed telling me how sick they were instead of running to the bathroom. In a metaphorical way, cleaning up little-kid vomit is just preparing you for cleaning up bigger-kid issues. You develop compassion and a sense of commitment through those diaper-changing, vomit-cleaning years so that when they need you for bigger things later you are fully committed. Sorry for your trouble :(

  2. I liked your post but got a bigger kick out of the google ads that popped up with it.
    "TOILET CLEANING Salt Lake restroom cleaning. Call us for an estimate"
    I wonder how much they charge for a 1 am visit?

    "ENJOY A NO-CAT-SMELL HOME self-flushing, self-washing . ."
    If only we could have the no puke smell too!

    "NEVER SCRUB TOILET CLEANER Try it for free. Just pay shipping"
    I can never scrub my toilet for free too. It just won't be clean :(

  3. Must be going around Ut. 1 AM I was cleaning up throw up as well. :(

  4. I just have to say ...that I am really sorry!

  5. Yuck, the dreaded throw up! I hope you are all feeling better today!
