Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Idol Chatter, part 2

More random thoughts from the 2009 season of American Idol. This week: night at the movies! Here are my first impressions from watching the show.

Allison :: I Don't Want to Miss A Thing
I immediately thought of David Cook's rendition last year. This one didn't pack as much punch for me, but it was another solid performance from Allison. The wardrobe, as usual, was completely atrocious but she was as lively as ever. It was definitely a crowd pleaser, but just didn't do much for me personally.

Anoop :: Everything I Do
This song fit Anoop's voice perfectly. This is exactly the kind of song that really showcases him and his particular strengths. I thought it was a flawless performance and very well chosen. Much better than the weeks when he has tried to get funky and young. But I'd trim the eyebrows just a little bit, if I had my way.

Adam :: Born to Be Wild
Adam really pumped up the theatricals this week, jumping all around the stage and living up to the name of the song. The beginning was pretty hot for me, but the ending was a huge turnoff as he just went insane with the screechy high notes. Yes, I know you can sing your face off, but a little restraint goes a long way. Surprise me by NOT pulling out all the stops. Give me a soft, gentle ending sometime and let me feel caressed instead of pummeled. Just my own personal preference.

Matt :: Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?
Matt took the piano again this week as he took on the show's second Bryan Adams song. Although the song seemed to fit Matt and his voice perfectly, the beginning was a bit bland and boring for me. It just didn't give Matt a chance to distinguish himself enough to really keep him safe. The ending, however, was a bit more upbeat and memorable for me. The performance was relatively solid, but I don't think it was interesting enough to keep him from worrying all night about whether or not he'll be in the bottom three.

Danny :: Endless Love
What? No glasses? The beginning was really rough for me, but it only took a few moments for me to start thinking, "I've gotta go buy this one on iTunes." The song struck me as a bit outdated, but I happen to like songs that are a bit more old fashioned. I'm still impressed with Danny's quiet confidence and maturity, which is a nice counterpoint to another contestant's loud theatricals.

Kris :: Falling Slowly
Because I adore Kris so much, this song was a huge disappointment. It just never seemed to reach any climax. It really didn't even seem to build much for me. It was just a lot of building to nothing. That being said, I still adore Kris and I'm intrigued to go listen to the song again to see if I'll like it better the second time around. He'll still get my vote, but not because of the song choice this week.

Lil :: The Rose
Quentin Tarantino was right: she needed to commit a bit more soul to the beginning of the song. It's a fabulous song and this either needed a bit more soul, or a bit more gentleness. Either one. This just didn't do much for me personally. Lil has a great voice, but just isn't distinctive enough for me. However harsh Simon's comments were, he had a point.

Juliana's Bottom Three Prediction: Matt, Lil, Kris (I hope I'm wrong about Kris)

Who do you think will make the bottom three?


  1. Adam surprises me every week, and that's what I enjoy about him. It might get a bit crazy sometimes, but he was so mellow the last two weeks that I enjoyed it!

    I like Danny too. But even though Lil was an early fave for me, she has totally dropped her magic.

    Good reviews, thanks!

  2. I agree. Hopefully Lil will be going home.
    I also really dislike Anoop...

  3. Anoop did pluck when he got into the final 12 and that was nice. Allison is just punk so her clothes have never bothered me because it is her and the girl can sing. Kris has never stood out to me before, but I loved him this week. I am glad he made it through. I think it was nice they saved Matt, but I hate how Paula gets all huffity when Simon tells him that he won't win. It is true. There are at least three better singers and now that I like Kris, probably 4! Danny without glasses freaked me out! So fun to chat with you during the show!
