Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Adventures in Ajax

I know I've become a mellow Mom when:

1. I see an entire box of cereal dumped out on the dirty floor and I don't even think twice.
2. The children live through this:

3. I think it's cute when they maul each other:

4. I call poison control extremely calmly without even feeling anxious after my youngest decides to clean the shower at 10 p.m. and we find Ajax cleanser powder around his mouth. When asked if he put any in his mouth, he says, "Four." Uhhh... time to call poison control... again. At least it wasn't the Ajax with Bleach.


  1. It's like I don't even know where to begin. Such as, what is that on your computer, shortening? And what did poison control say when you called? You might just be the most saintly person I've ever met because I think I would've just left. Wade would've returned home to find my stuff gone and no forwarding address.

  2. Poison control said that phosphorus can burn, so we needed to give him a bath to make sure he didn't have any sitting on his skin overnight, and that we needed to feed him something to make sure he could swallow.. and give him at least four ounces of liquids. It was a late night. :)

    Oh, and it's the nice expensive Williams-Sonoma lotion that I was carefully using a little bit at a time after receiving it as a Christmas gift... that's what's on the computer monitor. And in all the crevices of the keyboard. I'm still a bit sad about all that lotion gone to waste. You should have seen the desk and Thomas' hair. Pretty funny in retrospect, but not easy to clean at the time!

  3. Looks like he was finger painting with lotion :) hilarious

  4. You must be mellow, that stuff would have done me in!!

  5. Have mercy! I know that little guy can read... teach him what poisen means :)! maybe show him one of those work safety videos. I know I'm not funny! Mostly I'm just sorry!

  6. They don't tell you about things like this when you are leaving the hospital with your cute little baby. It's a good thing you can be mellow about these things. It helps keep you sane.

  7. What a relief to know that my children are not the only ones who can dump an entire box of cereal on the floor!

  8. Oh boy. I'm glad your kids are still alive. It amazes me that kids honestly ever live to grow up with all the crazy stuff they attempt. :) Good for you for being mellow.

  9. Is that what is coming for me?? I think motherhood is about slowly losing more and more control and everyone and everything around you is telling you that you just have to be happy and more flexible. HA! You're a good woman.
