Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Momifier

Fell asleep after a couple hours of baby tears. Realized this little easy-to-soothe baby is actually an easy-for-MOM-to-soothe baby. She refuses to be soothed or fed by her father, which we figured out after I tried to go to bed early to catch up on some lost sleep. Around midnight, I realized in tears that this little girl will accept no substitute for the Momifier. (See, it's like Mom + Pacifier....)

I'm half flattered to finally have a child who is a real Mama's Girl and half terrified that I will never leave the house alone ever again.

Woke up this morning to the sound of Elijah throwing up in the bathroom. Second time this week. No symptoms of illness other than a first-thing-in-the-morning vomit. Huh.

So has it been a bad day? Baby getting more difficult to soothe and a barfing five-year-old?


Someone near and dear to me underwent surgery today in a crucial step in the process of in-vitro fertilization. As I read about all the shots and medicine and doctor's visits and expenses, I cried for her. Parenting is so hard--even before you are a parent, for some people. Pregnancy is so hard--even before you are pregnant, for some people.

I want to get in the car and drive away from here to be with this person, just so I can buy her flowers and show up on her doorstep with a great big, tangible symbol of my love. But I can't, so I sit here and send text messages and positive vibes. And I hug my slightly-more-temperamental-than-before baby and feel grateful for all the goodness of life, especially the hope that the IVF will work and there will be another new baby to love sometime next year.


  1. I was thinking it was like a cross between "mollifier" and "mummifier"... :)

  2. New momhood is both crippling and life-sustaining, for the baby AND for you!

    Good wishes to your friend.

  3. I know exactly how you feel about wanting to just up and leave to go help a friend. My best friend's husband was diagnosed( with a massive tumor that is terminalhe had a cough and came out of the docotrs office beingtold he has a non-operable tumor in his liver!!). If I could I would go to hold her up and tell her everything would be ok. But I cant so for now I send emails and take dinners and do whatever she will admit she needs.
