Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thomas' favorite scripture story

A few days ago, Joseph came screeching to me, "MOM!! MOM!! Thomas said *hell*!!!"

I went into the other room, where I found the twins giggling and yelling at each other, "HELL!" "HELL!" "HELL!" It's hard not to laugh when you see two four-year-old twins screaming at each other like that, but I felt it was my parental duty to act serious. Hiding away a smile, I explained to them that certain words are not okay to use like that and they would be in trouble if I heard them saying it again.

Naturally, I had to explain that the word "hell" is used in the scriptures and it is okay to say it when you are reading the scriptures or talking about it that way. The next day we had a little "hell" to deal with again, but we moved swiftly past it and I thought it was behind us.

Score one for Mom's cool and collected parenting awesomeness.

Then came yesterday.

The twins were at a Primary activity with Joseph. When my husband returned home from picking them up, he plopped Thomas down with an angry/embarrassed/aggravated look on his face and related the following:

During the activity, each child filled out a "spotlight" page with all their favorite things so that the other kids could get to know them throughout the year. One of the Primary leaders was helping Thomas with his spotlight form and asked him, "What is your favorite scripture story?"

He replied immediately, "Anything with HELL in it!"

She paused and asked again, "I'm sorry... what did you say your favorite scripture story is?"

"Anything with HELL in it!"

After a little negotiation, they wrote down "Daniel & the Lion's Den" but she stopped me in the hall at church today and told me it totally made her day. I have to admit it made my day, too. I could choose to take it as a great, big parenting FAIL ... but I don't. I'm just grateful to have a kid with so much personality that I have great stories to share on my blog.

Love you, Thomas, my little Sunshine!


  1. Thomas and I should be friends.

  2. Those are my favorite scriptures too-- great story!

  3. I personally prefer the scriptures referring to donkeys, but I'll take hell as well.

    Josh screamed out in the hall that he "hates this stupid church".

    But at least he was fully clothed this time.

  4. Now THAT was hilarious!

  5. I wish I was more like Thomas and didn't care about what other people think is appropriate. Our personalities lose so much as we grow up.
