Friday, January 08, 2010

2009 resolution revisited, and coming tomorrow ...

2007 resolution :: Stop saying, "I can't" and start saying, "How can I make it happen?"

2008 resolution :: Discover confidence from within.

2009 resolution :: Create joy in my life, instead of waiting for it to happen to me.

Last year, I wrote the following about my New Year's Resolution for 2009: "I'm used to stealing happy moments when I can, not actively seeking them out or planning for them. This will require a complete mental reboot for me. If I can pull it off, this will be, hands down, the best year of my life."

I'm happy to report that although 2009 began as one of the most emotionally tiring years of my life, it ended as the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE! I can hardly believe all that morphed, solidified or resolved itself during the past 12 months. It's been amazing. 

It all started to change in the middle of the year and made it possible for me to (finally) feel ready for one last baby. As I feel her doing kick-boxing moves in my tummy, I have a tangible reminder of how far I've come and how good my life is.

I am at such a happy place in my life right now, despite bouts of hormone- and pregnancy-induced moodiness. Those things don't define me. They are just things that I "get" to deal with occasionally.

TOMORROW: My 2010 resolution revealed, a principle that might just change everything.

1 comment:

  1. More power to you!! One of the few people I know who really accomplishes their resolutions!! I haven't had much resolve yet this year, but I might have a resolution by February :)
