Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I <3 Books

This is my nightstand.

I love reading. Can you tell? Here is what is on my nightstand right now:

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell -- Given to me by my Mom. Haven't started yet.
Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury -- Bought last week and I'm LOVING it
Goose Girl by Shannon Hale -- Bought last weekend at the Provo Book Fair and got autographed. I need to take this one upstairs. Just haven't done it yet.
Characters and Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card -- Lent to me by my friend. About halfway done.
The Mom's Book -- For the Mom Who's Best at Everything by Alison Maloney -- Given to me as a gift and I haven't started yet.
The Candy Shop War by Brandon Mull -- Bought last weekend at the Provo Book Fair, got it autographed and am enjoying it quite a bit.
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull (2 copies)  -- Also bought at the Provo Book Fair, got them autographed and now I'm deciding which lucky nephew gets to have the spare.
In the South by Salman Rushdie (short story printed from The New Yorker)
Married for Better, Not Worse by Gary & Joy Lundberg -- Read a long time ago, thought I'd pull it out to remember the fun ideas it has inside for getting to know your spouse better
I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better by Gary & Joy Lundberg -- Read it, loved it, haven't put it away yet
* The Wizard's Princess by Alyson Ingebretson King -- Written by my friend, Alyson! Loved it and I need to return it!
The Hiding Place by Carrie Ten Boom -- Lent to me and I haven't started yet (It's on the list. I'll get there!)
The New Strong-willed Child by James Dobson -- What? My children aren't strong-willed. Why are you looking at me that way?
* Phantom by Susan Ray -- Lent to me and I haven't started it yet
The Peacegiver by James L. Farrell -- Lent to me and I'm almost done.
* Autobiography of Nuon Phaly (printed from the Internet) -- Story of the woman who started the orphanage where I am supporting an 8-yr-old girl
* Approximately half a dozen articles printed from http://www.lds.org -- This is a fairly regular feature ON or IN my nightstand
Broken Things to Mend by Jeffrey R. Holland -- Given to me as a gift. I'm done reading it, but haven't taken it uptairs yet.

Looking at this list, I honestly wouldn't believe this would all fit on one nightstand. At least, not alongside a toaster that needs to be sold/given away, Boggle Junior (also needs to be sold/given away), a lamp, receipts from my latest trip to California, a clock and a box of thank you cards. It certainly SHOULDN'T all be crammed into one small space, but there you have it. I love books. I love reading. I want everything to be within my reach when I settle down to sleep each night.

Still ... it may be time to tidy things up.


  1. Great books! I love Bradbury's book and have mislaid my copy of Card's book on characters. After reading his other book so quickly, I'm at a loss. Must. Find. Other. Book.

    Happy reading.

  2. I just think it's awesome that my book is in someone's pile of books. That made my day!!

  3. I didn't know other people read multiple books at a time! I usually listen to one on my ipod (helps keep the exercise boredom away), read one or two church books, a non-fiction and a novel! Love reading!
