Friday, August 01, 2008

The Proverbial Gasket :: Part Two

Funny how small things can change the course of history. For a small six-year-old boy who was never required to help out much around the house and has only cleaned his room once (total) (ever) it took two small phrases to change the course of his previously spoiled history:

1. "Mom, you're lazy"
2. "Mom, you have to learn the ways of a parent." (Meaning that I should learn that all housework is my job and he is not responsible for any of it.)

What is that child doing right now? He is cleaning his room. We had a little "uphill both ways" talk about the fact that I was scrubbing counters, cleaning dishes (sans dishwasher), hosing off the car and helping with the yardwork when I was a kid. He pushed me way too far today and underestimated how upset a mother can get when called "lazy" by her child who watches TV, plays with toys and makes messes all day long.

He will also be helping with setting the table and cleaning up after dinner tonight. And you know what? It's about time.


  1. Way to go! Make him wash out your tub too. Just for the heck of it.

    MOB (Moms Burnt Out) 1
    Kids 0

  2. You go, girl! Lemme tell ya, nothing is as troublesome as a 10 and 12 year-old who have a hard time staying focused on one job because they waste all of their energy complaining about it. Start early!

  3. Way to go. My kids are learning the tough way...Bedroom messy? No TV, Friends, or computer.

  4. Good! David and I play a lot on Saturday mornings and have a really good time...and Joseph is welcome to come join us every now and long as he has done his chores first. If his mom says his room is clean and chores are done, then he can come play. How's that for leverage for you??? Hope it helps....and for Thomas, we'll keep M&Ms stocked. :-)
