Friday, August 22, 2008

On Notice

With the twins starting preschool and Joseph returning to elementary school, I decided it was time for my life to return to normalcy. (Normalcy defined as "not the years when you have young children in the home making a mess of every single thing that you own, tearing apart books, pooping on the floor and writing with crayons on the walls and hardwood floors.")

So I recently put the game closet clutter "on notice." A few days later, I was able to clean the entire thing out and reassemble the games that were in heaps of clutter on the floor of the closet.

Yesterday, I put the twins closet clutter "on notice." I marched right up to it, held back a cringe, and said, "You're officially on notice!" So today during preschool (I love the sound of that) I tore into the closet and cleaned out most of the clutter. I'm allowing myself one file-size box of each size of clothing (newborn, 2T, etc.) I knew I was a sentimental fool, but this was ridiculous. I held up little onesies with tears almost glistening in my eyes, remembering when little smiling faces barfed on them. Despite the happy memories, I carried on. I now have an entire bag of shoes that is going bye-bye and about six bags of 18 month and 2T clothing. (The other sizes were cleaned out on a previous decluttering mission.)

The clothing is going to D.I. very soon. If somebody reading this wants size 18 month or 2T clothing, it will be first-come, first-served. There is some nice stuff in there, some of which was never worn or only worn once or twice. :)


  1. I would love to check out the 2T stuff!!

  2. I don't want the clothes, but good for you. I am jealous!

  3. I'd like to take a look if they're still around.
