Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lessons in Idolatry

1. There is a very liberating feeling when Utah is to your back. I love where I live, but I love getting away.

2. Cumulus clouds are my favorite thing "on earth." They are so magnificent and huge. More on that later perhaps.

3. Apparently, it's really hard for people to sign on t-shirts. Nevertheless, Joseph's new American Idol t-shirt from the Nokia Center has illegible signatures by Syesha, Kristy Lee Cook, Chikezie and David Hernandez.

4. David Cook's dad is really nice and mellow. We met him after the show. It was a cool coincidence and only because my sister recognized him from the broadcasts. Good eyes, Lisa!

5. Michael Johns is an absolutely charming human being. He was soooo playful and fun with the fans and an absolute sweetheart. And yes, he's even cuter in real life! Imagine!

6. Jason Castro is super funny and sweet in real life.

7. David Cook and David Archuleta are obviously really good friends. During the dress rehearsal, when they were supposed to be "fighting" they were goofing around and having fun together. David Cook looked just like an older brother, taking care of Archie.

8. If you scream at just the right moment, yes, you can hear yourself on the television recording. (Oops?)

9. The American Idol music sounds MUCH richer and better in real life. The recording sounds incredibly stale by comparison. The music in person is breathtaking.

10. I have a new song to add to my "Happy" playlist on the iPod. It really gets stuck in your head and actually made me think long and hard about where I am in life right now:

11. Ryan Seacrest looks good in a pair of jeans. (What? I can't notice?)

12. David Cook has an amazing connection to the audience. He was playful and personal during the dress rehearsal. He tried to read everybody's signs and acknowledge each part of the wild audience.

13. If the instructions say that city ordinance won't allow people to line up before 10:00 a.m., be there by 9 a.m. or you'll barely get in. We got there at 9:55 and were on the third-to-last row in the huge theater. The line was three city blocks long!

14. Be the first person in line at concessions or you won't get food. They were sold out by the time we got to concessions between the dress rehearsal and recording. Since we couldn't bring food in with us, that meant we went nearly 12 hours without eating!

15. Attending American Idol is a FABULOUS way to get some exercise.

16. Even if you're a 29-year-old stay-at-home Mom, it's still thrilling to scream like a teenager when you see the American Idol finalists. I'm only a little bit embarrassed, and it was a great way to relieve stress. :)

17. If you're going to be standing outside in a line for over three hours, it's a good idea to put sunscreen on your arms and neck... not just your face. (Oops again.) Or at least turn from side to side so you roast evenly and not just on one arm.

18. It's totally worth it. How fun!

19. Even if you had nothing to eat all day, it's still not a good idea to pig out afterward at a cool restaurant.
20. Of course I missed my family. I just had to remind myself once in a while.

21. My sister's couch is infinitely more comfortable than my very old and low quality mattress.

22. Sleeping in until 6:30 a.m. LA time is super nice! That's 7:30 a.m. Utah time. What decadence. I could have slept all day but I had more important things to attend to.

23. Portos is still my favorite place in the entire world to eat!!! I brought home boxes of pastries, cookies, croissants and a loaf of sourdough to share with my family. That was my carry on. Don't laugh at me. You would do the exact same thing if you had been to Portos. BEST BAKERY I'VE EVER BEEN TO! Mmmmmm!

Time to wax poetic...

An ode to Portos

How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways...

Pastries, pies and Portos...

Buttery baked breads...

Heaven in one bite!

24. Airplane snacks are getting grosser and grosser. But Biscoff cookies are still super yummy. I wonder how to make them.

25. After the doors have been closed, empty seats are fair game so you might as well scoot up closer to the front of the theater. Especially if you started out in the verrrrry back!

26. That sick, angry feeling in my stomach on Wednesday night told me I was lying to myself by saying, "I don't care who wins. They're both fabulous!!" I guess I love to root for the local kid.

27. There are "stand in judges" at the dress rehearsal that don't really look like the judges but are HILARIOUS! (Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yoooooo dawwwwg!) The fake Paula said to David Cook, "You may not have found what you were looking for but a lot of other people have!" Then the real Paula said at the live performance, "You may not have found what you were looking for but I know all of us did!" David Cook smiled knowingly and looked amused when she said that. It was super funny.

28. Even if you're an upright, honest human being who tends to obey rules, it WILL kill you when you resist the temptation to sneak in a camera or cell phone. That was impossibly hard to resist but I was too afraid of getting booted if I got busted! Hence no photos of me cheering at the Nokia Theater. :-(

29. Even if the dress code ("which will be strictly enforced") says no t-shirts, no white, dark colors, no logos and dress "hip and upscale" they'll apparently let in anybody who is wearing anything. Grrr... At least I tried to look nice.

30. I really do have the BEST neighbors & friends in the world. A huge, huge, huge thank you to the people who made this trip possible: Josh, Sabine, Heidi, Sandra, Colleen and Judie. You guys really made me cry tears of gratitude when you were so willing to help me out. You have no idea how much your generous love means to me.

31. There's nothing like some time away to reflect on life. I love my family and I'm so glad they were safe while I was gone. I love many things about my life, but it's been a long time since I remembered to "Dream Big" so I need to remember that my dreams will never come true if I don't have the courage to dream in the first place...


  1. wow!sounds like you had a rockin trip...literally! This is the first time I've even watched American Idol and it was weird not to have it tonight! You deserved that trip for sure!!!!!

  2. aaaahhh, you had me reveling in every detail of your fabulous trip! That bakery, oh my...I could gain a few lbs. there in no time flat! Looks delicious. Thanks for all the details, it was really fun to read all about it.

  3. Sounds like you had a ridiculously fun time! And the memories will last forever :)

  4. So glad you had fun! Thanks for the cookie!

  5. It was fun to read about your trip. I am still so jealous!! Glad you had a wonderful time!

  6. Oh my goodness, sounds too fab for words. Yay for you. SO much fun.
