Monday, December 21, 2009

Lights Out

I am dreaming and the world looks so black, so cold.

There is a void ahead of me and I am swirling in closer, closer. It is a pit. A blackness. A never-ending shiver that I have tried to shelter myself from.

I turn away, only to fear that I will lose my balance and fall backward. I must face it, stare it down, back away. But it is calling me.

I am tired. I don't want to fight. I just want to fall, fall, fall ...

Now I am standing on the brink, staring into black oblivion. A haunting voice without words calls to me from the depths. It is waiting to welcome me. It says that I am home.

The only string holding me upright is the truth that I will one day want to climb out of the darkness and it will exhaust every reserve of fire inside me. Would that fire be extinguished if I fell down, down, down...?

I awake to discover I've never been asleep.


  1. Hey, you stay away from that "brink"! :)

    It will call you. It always does. But you are stronger than any feelings of blackness and any deepness of that void.

    And get some happy sleep!

  2. You're freakin' me out. Merry Christmas.

  3. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Fred! I thought that was you I bumped into down in the void. Sorry about stepping on your foot.
