Friday, September 19, 2008

Almond Cinnamon Ice Cream Sandwiches

I think I just discovered the most delicious frozen dessert ever. So simple, too, if you can get your hands on the cookies!

This dessert uses "Anna's Almond Cinnamon Thins" that you can buy at the Marketplace at IKEA. (Score! A little googling reveals that you can buy them at Walgreen's and other places, too!) These little cookies deserve a great big shout out on their own because they are packed full of flavor. At only 23.33333 calories per cookie, you really can't go wrong, unless you get addicted and eat the whole package. So without further ado, I gotta give 'em one of these:

Now that that's done, here's how to make them into the world's most delicious dessert. Add ice cream. Freeze. Voila! Instead of a big, calorie-laden chocolate cookie and an inch of ice cream, use these petite thin cookies which want less ice cream but have just as much flavor per bite. I think of it as a European take on a typical American overindulgence.
I was making homemade ice cream with the kids this afternoon and dropped a spoonful of ice cream on these cookies just to experiment. The ice cream was soft so I just squished the other cookie on top and put the finished product in the freezer. A few minutes later, I was in almond cinnamon ice cream paradise.

I'm headed up to IKEA tomorrow to buy a bunk bed for the twins and restock my Almond Cinnamon Thins. Drop by and we'll visit dessert paradise together.
Note: there were only a few bites left when I decided to blog, so you get a photo of half the creation. You can see how delicate the cookies are and how little ice cream is needed for optimal deliciousness.


  1. Yum! Those sound so good, I will have to give it a try!

  2. i love Anna's cookies! isn't there a chocolate mint one or something?

  3. Hey, I HAVE eaten a whole package of these before over the course of a couple of days. Killer cookies. Thanks for the idea and happy shopping!

  4. Ooooooh! That does look yummy. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yummy. D makes really good cinnamon ice cream. That would be good in the middle. Thanks for the advice
