Friday, March 26, 2010

Nice People Rule/Dear Iceberg

Dear Iceberg Drive Inn,

It is refreshing to meet somebody who does customer service right. I am stuck at home 95% of the time on pregnancy bed rest, bored and frustrated. Last night, the frustration became unbearable and I decided I'd succumb to a little sugar therapy. I sent my husband out to buy me a large Iceberg shake (cookies & cream, of course) while he was running errands.

You can imagine how I waited anxiously to hear him return with the silky, sugary goodness. You can also imagine how sad I was when he came home and said, "Apparently the car before me in line was the last one before they closed for the night." He got there right at 10:00 p.m. and was one car-length too late. He offered to go find me something else, but it was 10:30 p.m. and time to give up... reluctantly.

I awoke this morning feeling chipper and optimistic... but still craving that shake. The only problem? I'm stuck at home on bed rest. Alone. I had a medical appointment at 9:00 a.m. and when I left at 10:00 a.m., I thought I'd check out the hours on your drive-thru--just in case you opened early. My hopes were not high and I felt frustrated when I couldn't find any hours posted on your front door.

Feeling embarrassed, I swung into the drive-thru anyway to see if anybody was there. Nope. Not a sound. But as I swung around the corner, I spotted a cheerful employee leaning out of the drive-thru window to talk to me. He told me they opened in 10 minutes and I was welcome to wait a little while.

"I'm not sure if I should wait," I explained. "I'm on bed rest and really need to get home as soon as I can. I'm just on my way home from an appointment..." Then I told him about my husband coming by at 10 o'clock the night before and he cheerfully and sympathetically offered to get me my food early, even though things weren't all set up yet. I placed my order and he filled it quickly.

As I drove home with the sweet taste of ice cream in my mouth, the universe turned itself right-side-up and I relaxed. Sugar therapy is dangerous, but sometimes it's worth the extra calories.

And it tastes even better when it's served up with a kind smile and thoughtful gesture from an accommodating employee.

Thank you.



  1. I told Adam about your experience after he had a surprisingly pleasant one canceling a huge renewal fee and account. The lady did it, no questions asked. Isn't it sad that we've come to expect people to be mean? But it is oh so refreshing when they're nice. :)

  2. Mmmmm A shake... That good customer service will get you a customer for life!

  3. Sounds like a delightful outing-- glad you got your shake!

  4. We had a shake the other day. Just C and L and I. Gotta love Iceburg. When I was little and the only one was the dive they have up in Draper, I remember my dad taking us there for grilled footlongs, onion rings, and grasshopper shakes. Now days I go for Strawberry, but the memories are still there!

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