Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Idol Confessions

Okay, I give up. You all know I'm an American Idol junkie, so I might as well give in and blog it, baby!

You know you're an A.I. junkie if:

1. Your four-year-old son says, "Why does Simon Cowell always wear the same thing?"
2. Your seven-year-old son speeds through his homework with the hope of seeing his favorite singer (diehard Adam fan from day one) before he goes to bed.
3. You reschedule your favorite activities just so you can watch A.I. live with your kids.
4. You have your name on the waiting list for tickets to see it live ...... again!

Check, check, check and check.

So here's my rundown for tonight, A.I. style. A.I. meaning American Idol, not Artificial Intelligence, which seems fitting since there isn't much intelligence involved in this kind of blogging. Perfect for today.

Boring. Forgettable. It was just a'ight for me. Vocals were fine but the song was a bad choice. Not good enough to keep him in this competition for long.

A better song than last week. Back to the old Megan sound that is so distinctive and unique. I kept waiting for a "moment" but there was a lot of the same. A cool track to just chill out to, but not a good track to garner votes... and a few sort of shrill, painful moments.

Light years better than Anoop or Megan, with a very enjoyable, solid performance. Lots of heart and soul... ups and downs... Very enjoyable. I can see myself downloading this one on iTunes and listening to without cringing.

Solid, but actually kind of boring to me. Still much better than the first two... just not all that memorable. The outfit was crazy.

Funky hairdo. Very 80s funk. His song choice was slightly different than usual, but not different enough to really show a different side of him. Another solid performance but he still isn't a real competitor.

A bit grittier than previous performances--did the gritty voice work? A bit rough at the beginning, but I was feeling it by the end. He sings with a lot of passion, which I always love. He'll pull it together next week. If he gets voted off instead of one of the first two, that would be a crime.

When she started, I was somewhat apathetic about the song, but she really kicked it up a notch halfway through and put some life into it. I just can't get excited about Lil but she is definitely talented. (Cutest kids ever... I want a hug like that!)

Courtesy of Joseph this time: "Hmm. I like his song choice, but why does his hair look like that? It was pretty good. Whoa, you can see the band's shadows!" I was totally not feeling it. Way too much screeching and funk for my taste. Missed the mark, in my opinion. Not as frightening as a couple weeks ago, though. Still destined to be a favorite of most people, since this is Adam, who can do no wrong.

Okay, I have to admit that Kris is my Adam. By which I mean: he can do no wrong for me. My favorite. I loved this performance. I'll be dialing in and checkin' the iTunes page.

This night was just kind of a'ight all around, with a few bright spots. It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. Who were your favorites?

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! You'd be a great judge!Here's my take- Kris did better than I expected, Matt was disappointing, Allison can sing but not dress, and Adam is easily THE BEST. I think Anoop, Megan and Scott should be the next 3 to go..
