Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm getting dumber, one microblurb at a time

There was a time when I blogged about interesting things. I think.

There was a time when I tried to make sense of the world around me with not-so-original-or-clever-but-at-least-slightly-meaningful connections between different aspects of my life.

Then I met Facebook. The first invite, I ignored. The second invite, I reluctantly clicked and peeked. When one of my friends told me they hardly ever checked their Facebook profile, I said coolly, "Yeah. Me too. I usually forget all about it." It was a badge of courage that I wasn't sucked into the whole Facebook phenomenon.

And then.... what happened? My blog is forgotten and I am micro-blogging twice a day on Facebook and compulsively checking to see which of my peeps are online. I know about Mark's eye surgery and Tennille's feelings about school holidays and Greg's trip to Disneyland and Gail's considered trip to Disneyland and the controvery about whether or not UEA is a good time to go and all about Danielle's family's health. One microblurb at a time.

Funny they call that a "social" site when it makes "socializing" so simple that I don't even need to talk to anybody to get my 411. On one hand, I'm more in the loop than ever before.... and on the other hand (was a glove?) I am pushed toward an anti-social laziness that exceeds the likes of my '96 IRC cravings. At least with that, we'd have get-togethers to watch General Conference and figure out what Raven9936 looked like in real life. (We all know that even really ugly people can make themselves look hot with a good camera angle. See my profile for details.)

So that is my life as a Facebooker. I have summarized my previously-semi-deep ramblings into one line summaries. I no longer have to pick up a phone to find out what's new in the neighborhood. It's all there ready to click. Two minutes to check the updates, 10 seconds to update my profile blurb, and a few minutes to "talk" to someone who's online.

Now what? Now comes the guilt of neglecting my blog that I used to enjoy. And the exhilaration of discovering that long lost friend from high school that I think I had a really meaningful conversation with once and that means we're totally BFFs now that we've reconnected in the Facebooksphere. And the wondering if my entire life is becoming a microblurb or if my brain cells are still in there, somewhere deep, wondering why they aren't getting used.

I'll let you decide. In the meantime, I bring you my last month in a nutshell, according to Facebook:

Juliana is feeling super energetic and excited about life.10:03am

Juliana is looking forward to two days in sunny California next week! Seriously, nobody wants to watch my kids? Have you seen how CUTE my kids are? ;). 6:38pm

Juliana is in pain and hoping it goes away quickly.8:03am

Juliana is recovering from the joys of a CT scan.2:26pm

Juliana discovered the cause of her pain ... an ovarian cyst ... no worries for now :). 3:51pm

Juliana is feelin' happy again. 5:13pm

Juliana needs to get a grip. 10:07am

Juliana is updating her Facebook status. 8:35pm

Juliana is waiting patiently for the time when I drive to the airport. 2:08pm

Juliana is enjoying semi-sunny California. 9:45pm

Juliana has been awake for hours ... while her sister and nephew are still sound asleep... aww the curse of being a morning person! 10:10am

Juliana has less than 24 hours until she returns to frigid Utah.10:49pm

Juliana is home again and has Portos pastries for those who want to come try 'em out! 10:11pm

Juliana is tidying the effects of an afternoon with three little boys. 4:25pm

Juliana has a long name. 6:26pm

Juliana just discovered an awesome party going on at the No.Orem Maceys ... my kids had a blast! 12:55pm

Juliana is going to strangle Facebook's chat feature.8:07pm

Juliana has a cold. 7:54am

Juliana has finished four books in four days. This is an ominous sign for the housework. 2:58pm

Juliana used to think that rainy weather made my children sleep in. This morning's pre-6 a.m. awakening by two of the three is evidence that my theory was flawed. 6:27pm

Juliana is planning the twins' preschool for next year. Who wants to carpool to the UVU preschool (held at Orem Elementary)? It's THE BEST! 9:43am

Juliana is adapting her chocolate ice cream recipe to make it a toasted hazelnut Nutella chocolate ice cream... It's can't turn out badly, can it? 3:12pm

Juliana is finishing up "The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday."4:32pm

Juliana is yawning ... Preschoolers who wake me up five times in the middle of the night are very disruptive. 10:57am

Juliana has been awake with sick kids since 3:30 a.m. This should be interesting. 7:46am

Juliana met her husband 14 years ago this evening.3:19pm

Juliana totally forgot the Valentine's for preschool until the last second. Oops... 12:30pm

Juliana likes the flair. 4:14pm

Juliana is feeling the sleep deprivation slowing her down.2:26pm

Juliana might be getting a cooking lesson from the chef of Costa Vida! 4:08pm

Juliana is enjoying a peaceful Saturday and Valentine's Day sugar cookies :). 11:59am

Juliana is stressed with three screaming, arguing boys.9:57am

Juliana is finally back to a happy schedule with the kids in school. 9:14am

Juliana is impressed that Facebook is so willing to listen to the users. 7:22am

Juliana is singin' the blues ... off key. 6:58pm

Juliana wants to know what you would ask the head chef of Costa Vida to teach you if you were going to get a private cooking lesson? 2:48pm

Juliana is feeling guilty about using a cake mix for her son's birthday cake instead of going homemade. The homemade chocolate-mint-Oreo ice cream will make up for it.12:09pm

Juliana is blogging about micro-blogging. 9:14pm


  1. I'm still struggling to figure out the point of Facebook. It is nice to get updates on people that I haven't seen in years, but I do think it lacks the emotion of blogging. I also find that I struggle to do status updates because it would always be something like: "Tennille is working. Tennille is tired. Tennille is working. Tennille is tired." You get the idea. :)

  2. I almost never checked Facebook...until I discovered you can chat. I spend all my free time there now. It's killing me.

  3. I've got it set up so I micro-blog using twitter right to facebook and when I blog the feed goes to facebook too. Why can't you do both? When you have something big to say, say it on your blog and when you're out and about and just have a blurb, use a txt; you can only use a couple of characters anyway.

  4. I enjoy the microblogging phenom for the quick peek into people's lives, but nothing beats the creativity of a good blog post, at least for me. They each have their place. I have learned a lot about you from your facebook status updates. A complete black hole though when it comes to chatting with friends. Sheesh...

  5. I gotta know, did Juliana's Nutella ice cream turn out?

  6. I really like the quote under your picture. So true!

  7. I thought the Nutella Ice Cream was a bit of a bust, but Josh said it's his favorite ice cream ever. I just thought it tasted too chocolatey and not Nutellay enough. That was my only complaint! :-) I actually have an entire blog entry about the Nutella treats that I need to upload photos for. So stay updated! :)

  8. I don't have a facebook profile.

    I must be a loser.

    Sandra feels like a loser.9:39 pm
    Sandra should make a facebook profile. 9:40 pm
    Sandra will then get absolutely nothing done instead of nearly nothing done. 9:40 pm
    Sandra will hold off on making a facebook profile until she can afford a maid and a nanny. 9:41 pm

  9. I love both FB and blogging! I definitely don't spend as much time blogging because of FB, but I feel like they both have their benefits. I'm glad that you do both!
